Jerome Fleming
Treasury Manager
Talk to me about a place where you can be yourself.
With friends, family and at home, but mostly anywhere with friends and family, I can be myself. I would say more of the silly side is brought out when I鈥檓 around people that I鈥檓 comfortable with. It’s a chameleon effect. I blend in with the atmosphere and what’s going on.
What has been your biggest teachable or meaningful moment that you鈥檝e experienced so far?
I would say how to be a professional. When you come out of college, professors tell you what you need to do, how the work is going to be. But you don鈥檛 fully understand until you get in the actual environment. I think that’s the big thing where new professionals may be struggling. They may not know how to balance being professional and their everyday self. So, I would say that there is a learning curve where imposter syndrome sneaks in and they begin to doubt if Corporate America is the right place for them. I learned how to balance and its great knowing that I can show up as a professional and still be myself at 夜色直播.
What advice would you give the next generation that’s coming into the workplace?
Number one will be respect. I know it鈥檚 asked for a lot, but it does need to be showcased back as well. Respect is given but also earned. Then, I would say patience. I think everything now is fast paced. You can get things from Amazon right away. But when it comes to your career, the instant success or instant gratification sometimes does not come. They must have patience in that regard. Some will call it 鈥減aying your dues.鈥
If you were to win an award, what would be your walk-up song?
So, my song for any situation, whether it鈥檚 driving to an interview, meeting a girlfriend’s parents or a family gathering鈥he song that gets me relaxed honestly is, Drake – Over my dead body. It’s just my song.
Did you play any sports?
I did. In middle school and beginning of high school I played basketball. Senior year, I played football and track. Then in college I ran track for one year before I blew out my Achilles, and not long after, both ACLs. What happened to me, and I believe a lot for those who play sports is that everyone is focused on lifting heavy and getting stronger, but are not focused on staying flexible, the elastic portion of our bodies. It is causing our muscles to get stronger, but the tendons are staying the same. Muscle over weak tendons aren鈥檛 good for athletes. I suffered from not focusing on that early enough and it caught up to me eventually.
What can you talk about for 30 minutes without preparation?
Sports. I love basketball and football, but just in general chatting about sports. I’ve gotten into soccer over the years. I’m trying to get more into hockey. I can also talk about anime if I needed to, not as in depth, but can talk about that.
What is your relationship with Mental Health?
Oh, a very important topic. About six months ago, I was released from therapy. I went for anxiety after I had a huge breakup. I went downhill for a while and knew I needed to figure out ultimately what was going on with Jerome. I worked on that for about two to three years and just came to understand myself more. Signs are when anxieties are increasing and learning ways to decrease it. For me, it was social anxiety. Big groups were a trigger, and I am more of the one who sits back. And again, impostor syndrome began to sneak in because I didn’t know if what I was saying was going to be beneficial or bring anything to the group. So that was a huge piece I’ve been working on and why, for me, mental health is everything. For anyone looking for a therapist, I would say the biggest thing is to make sure you do the homework outside of the sessions. Going to the sessions are important, but the ultimate help is doing the homework that will make the biggest impact.
February is Black History Month, what does this month mean to you?
So, I’m a February baby. It means a ton to me. Knowing that I’ve had to work 10 times harder than the next just to showcase I belong, sums up a great portion of its importance in general. That’s why I brought up multicultural professionals in my video because we just need a chance. It’s very important for us in the Black community to understand and fully realize how important we are. I also think it’s crucially important for us to realize at times, we can have the crab in the barrel mentality, and we need to break that cycle. We can live in a world where we can work on ourselves, while supporting others who are walking in their purpose, instead of trying to hold them back. This month is to celebrate progress and look forward to a future of great possibilities for everyone within the culture.
What is your why?
Hmm. My why? Honestly, to just be better than my father. I know that sounds so crazy, and they say comparison is the thief of joy but that has always been my drive. I have a relationship with him. It’s rocky and I think that also hurts me. Now being in my 30s and looking at what I have accomplished, I’m at the point of life where I must figure out more goals and give myself more challenges and aspirations to hit. Now its to start a family and have kids, of course after I do a few more things for myself. And for me, it begins with looking at how I can be a better man than what I have seen and been exposed to.